jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Cursillo preliminar on line-Yin y Yang y sus o posibilidades-Lo simple a lo complejo-

El Yin, Línea partida, el Yang, línea entera, originalmente los signos oraculares básicos complementarios y opuestos, según Wilhelm se limitaban a las respuestas Si y No. Sin embargo desde Fu Shi o tiempos remotos los 8  kuas  ya eran la diversidad del I ching.  Haciendo este entretenido juego de posibilidades vamos del uno al dos y del dos al tres. Una arquetípica relación Cielo, Tierra y Hombre en el taoísmo. Trinidad de todas las tradiciones. Los tres mundos.
A partir de los trigramas, (según mi amigo ichinólogo Roberto Curto deberíamos usar solo la mención de Kuas, ya que trigramas y hexagramas no existe en el lenguaje chino.) se crea un mundo de diversidad, el mundo de las mutaciones del I Ching. Imagínense hacer este juego de diversidad hasta la formación de los 64 Kuas.

Los 64 kuas fueron dispuestos en cuadrado por el matemático, numerologo e ichinólogo Shao Yung, siglo XI. Información por Antonio Moreira, discípulo del maestro Liu Pai Lin, e ichinólogo.

Síntesis de imágenes por Bob curto.

3 comentarios:

  1. Los 8 Kuas también pueden ser vistos como una familia a partir de Cielo y Tierra, Padre y Madre, Yang y Yin. Comprendiendo este juego de creación básico podemos estudiar la formación de los tres hijos a partir de la energía fuerte de la madre y las tres hijas de la energía fuerte del padre. Las madres llaman a los hijos y los padres llaman a las hijas. Ampliación en cursos

  2. El código genético está constituido de 64 palabras perfectamente coincidentes como los 64 Kuas, según el dr. Martin Schonberger. Información por Antonio Moreira, hijo, en Manueal de Interpretación del I Ching, Revista de publicación brasilera n°17 Promoción especial, editora 3,

  3. Shao Yong
    Chinese philosopher
    Written by: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica 0
    Shao Yong
    Chinese philosopher
    Also known as
    Shao Yung
    Shao Yao-fu
    Shao K’ang-chieh
    Zhuozhou, China
    near Luoyang, China
    Shao Yong, Wade-Giles romanization Shao Yung, also called Shao Kangjie, courtesy name (zi)Yaofu (born 1011, Fanyang [now Zhuozhou, Hebei province], China—died 1077, near Luoyang [now in Henan province]), Chinese philosopher who greatly influenced the development of the idealist school of Neo-Confucianism (see Confucianism). Shao Yong’s mathematical ideas also influenced the 18th-century European philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the development of a binary arithmetical system—i.e., one based on only two digits.

    Originally a Daoist, Shao refused all offers of government office, preferring to while away the hours in a humble hermitage outside Luoyang, conversing with friends and engaging in mystical speculation. He became interested in Confucianism through his study of the great Confucian Classic and work of divination, the Yijing (“Classic of Changes”). Through the Yijing, Shao developed his theories that numbers are the basis of all existence. To him, the spirit that underlies all things could be comprehended if one understood the division of the different elements into numbers. But unlike most previous Chinese numerologists, who usually preferred the numbers two or five, Shao believed the key to the world hinged on the number four; thus the universe is divided into four sections (Sun, Moon, stars, and zodiac), the body into four sense organs (eye, ear, nose, and mouth), and the Earth into four substances (fire, water, earth, and stone). In a similar way, all ideas have four manifestations, all actions four choices, and so forth.

    Although this complicated system was outside the basic concerns of Confucianism and exercised only a peripheral influence on the development of Chinese thought, what was important was the basic theory behind the system; there is an underlying unity to existence, which can be grasped by the superior man who understands its basic principles. The idea that the underlying principle behind the unity of the universe exists in the human mind as much as in the universe was the basis of the idealist school of Neo-Confucianism. Moreover, Shao brought into Confucianism the Buddhist idea that history consists of series of repeating cycles. These cycles, known to Buddhists as kalpas, were called yuan by Shao and reduced from an astronomical length to a comprehensible duration of 129,600 years. Shao’s theory was later accepted by all branches of Neo-Confucianism and made part of the official state ideology by the 12th-century Song scholar Zhu Xi.
